6 Feng Shui Tips Make Your Life Better

quote’s background picture is from Unsplash

Feng Shui(Chinese:风水)as known as Chinese geomancy, it is a philosophy about the harmony and balance between human, nature,and universe.

The term Feng Shui translates as “wind-water” in English.Wind and water are basic natural elements, Wind means vitality and energy,water means flow and change. Feng shui is the power of nature and the energy of universe.It uses the laws of both Heaven(astronomy)and Earth (geography) to help people improve life by receiving positive Chi(energy)

People use Feng Shui to determine locations, design buildings, organize spaces, or get the best timing for certain important things in life, for example, get married, make a move, be buried. . .

Feng Shui is a truly complex system, but you can easily take it as it’s about space and airflow. It is for making our surrounding environment harmonized and balanced.

Here are 6 easy Feng Shui tips to make your life better 

1 Open your window more 

Fresh air is the basic element for human survival. When you open the window, you can get the smell of trees, flowers, even the deep earthy smell from the soil to make your day fresh and cheerful. By Feng Shui’s side, fresh air brings movement into your home, it makes Chi flow better. Especially after all-night sleep with the window closed, you want to get some fresh air in the morning. You should open the window after sunrise, according to the theory of Yin Yang, in the morning before sunrise is the Yin period, if you open the windows by that time, there is negative messy or evil energy that may get in.

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2 Get plants 

Plants are living and spiritual things, they make great natural air purifiers and provide positive Chi into the room. For making the environment harmonized and balanced, you shouldn’t miss these positive vibes. Be aware not any plants release oxygen during the night, if you are not sure about your plants, put them away from your bedroom is security. If you want to put plants with sharp points indoor, put them on your desk is a better idea, because they do take care of the computer radiation for sure, but Feng Shui also believes that those spiked plants carry and attract the devil spirit.

3  Put electronics away from the bedroom 

Electronics have seemed to penetrate every aspect of our life. Feng Shui is an ancient traditional practice of using natural elements to get better positive Chi, it has no interest in such modern technology. The “addiction” to electronics makes you lose time of sleep and less time communicate with your family. The long-term radiation can be harmful to your health. The bedroom should be a fully harmonious and balanced place to relax and rest. Quality sleep at the night time can help protect our mental and physical health, its the main way to recharge our energy. Try to make an electronics-free bedroom.

4. Clean your clutter

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There is a lot of stuff that you don’t like or stop using are creating blocks of negative energy(nothing like being rejected). When you often getting exhausted or feeling down without logical reasons, try to clean the clutters. It is not just cleaning up and reorganizing your space, it also can be a healing process for both your physical and mental. letting clutters go, in a way it means to give them the chance to be acceptable or valuable somewhere else, so it is not bad at all. Especially you get more space for positive Chi to flow. Of course, you also may fill some stuff that you need and like more to get you more enjoyable. So clean clutters is a win-win thing.

5 Upgrade your social circle

We all experienced “energy vampires” in our life. They are dramatic and negative, they are nitpickers and complainers. They suck all the positive energy from us and leaving us drained exhausted and unhappy. But we also have people who are grateful, humble, kind, and optimistic too, they always find the bright spots in life, their beautiful humanity is the best thing for creating and attracting positive Chi. When you keep company with them, you are already being one of the positive synergy and ready to bring positive Chi to others.

6 Do meditation

The things we have been through in life are not always pleasant, we are unconsciously holding negative thoughts and emotions,and they are the negative energy(negative Chi). Our body is a material container when it filled more by A, then it leaves less for B. Meditation is a easy way to clean the negative for our body and mind. It is free and it doesn’t require a special space. Do it daily or only when you feel you need will all work. Give yourself those moments cut off any kind of issues in this material life, there is only you and the universe between inhale and exhale, it is a fun and touching spiritual trip to discover how precious you truly are, and you will love yourself more and more. . .

quote’s background picture is from Unsplash

Yes, my dear friends, love yourself, take care of yourself, forgive yourself, you are the best Feng Shui in your life.