The Zen master had a student who didn’t care about trivial things in life.
One day the master asked the student: Heavy rain or light rain, which one tends to wet people’s clothes? The student answered: of course the heavy rain. But the master said: The truth is the light rain get us wet easier The student asked: Heavy rain comes with a big amount of water, light rain barely has water, how light rain is the one that gets us wet easier?The master answered: because when heavy rain is dropping everyone knows, so who has the umbrella will put it on, and who doesn’t have any rain gear will go find a roof to avoid getting wet. But the light rain is hard to feel, or people feel ok with it, they don’t think this tiny water can get them wet ,but as time goes by, they will be wet without noticing.
Our speech and behavior, such as an expression or an action are like the drizzle. They look small, but if we don’t control them, without alertness and attention, they will hurt other people easily.